Hello Family:
I visited the Botanical Garden of Santa Fe today and found it fascinating as it combines native plants mixed with appropriate non-natives placed within a tranquil landscaped environment. Currently, the garden includes Native American Sculptures displayed through out. I highly recommend joining me on the morning of Friday, July 19th for a docent-led tour of the Santa Fe Botanical Garden. In order to receive the docent-led tour, I need to hear about your intention of joining the tour very soon.
Sign up by calling (or texting) me (Jennifer de la Fonteijne-Barnett) at 415.686.9723.
The Botanical Garden is located on Museum Hill which is an 8 minute drive from Hotel Santa Fe. Van or car transport to / from the hotel to the Botanical Garden is possible.
The entrance fee is $13/adult, $8/youth (4-17).
Here’s a suggestion on options for making the most out of your Friday in Santa Fe:
Join the group touring the Botanical Garden at 9am, stop at the Museum Hill Cafe for an early lunch at 11am, and then visit one (or two!) of the museums on Museum Hill. The Museum of Indian Arts & Culture (MIAC) and the Museum of International Folk Art come highly recommended.
Jenny de la fonteijne-Barnett